There are various fingering charts "out there". Why something new? Well, this is how it went:
There was a discussion about Music Stamps over in the (excellent) Bulletin Board over at I thought this might be a nice gift for my teacher but unfortunately I found no dealer that would ship these stamps overseas, nor did I find a local dealer who carried them. Drats!
Many stamp businesses do - besides the usual address stamps - also signature stamps. I created a fingering chart from scratch, sent the image over to a stamp manufacturer and within three days I had my stamp, including the teacher's name. Talk about a personal gift...
Maybe you are in a similar situation, that's why the fingering chart is available for free here. You can create blank chart sheets with your favourite word processor, import them into your paint program and complete them, whatever you want. Free for non-commercial (you may not sell products based on this chart image) use.
![]() (Click on the image to download a .zip (256K) with various formats) |
If you just want to know what holes to cover in order to get a specific note on your clarinet, visit the Woodwind fingering guide