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Cool Software Clarinet Marigaux

Marigaux RS Symphonie

The following may or may not be accurate. Despite a wealth of search engines in the internet, surprisingly little details about these clarinets are available. So, if you happen to have first-hand information about these instruments, please mail me to wiki(at)

In the meantime I have received a scanned ad from around 2000 and converted it to a PDF which can be downloaded here:

Marigaux Ad from 2000, 1.7MB

The Marigaux Symphonie was named after Roland Simoncini, former solo clarinetist of the Orchestre National de France, under whose guidance this clarinet has been designed.

Unfortunately, Marigaux abandoned the clarinets sometime in 2003 and now concentrate on oboes and English horns.

This clarinet sports a number of unusual ergonomic features such as the roller keys on the right hand pinky keys' stack, an asymmetric register key, comfortable trill keys and a neatly designed "landing zone" for the left hand pinky. Personally, I profit most from the register key, followed by the rollers. And besides, for someone tired of beaten paths, this is just the instrument.


(click on any image for a full-size version)
These pictures aren't PhotoShopped in any way - they're moderately adjusted re brightness/contrast but are otherwise unmodified. If you'd like to know how to do that, just ask.

Marigaux R.S. Symphonie - right-hand pinky cluster
Marigaux R.S. Symphonie - right-hand pinky cluster
Marigaux R.S. Symphonie - right-hand pinky cluster
Marigaux R.S. Symphonie - bell
Marigaux R.S. Symphonie - bell
Marigaux R.S. Symphonie - assembled clarinet
Marigaux R.S. Symphonie - barrel
Marigaux R.S. Symphonie - barrel
Marigaux R.S. Symphonie - left-hand pinky cluster
Marigaux R.S. Symphonie - f# key
Marigaux R.S. Symphonie - left-hand pinky cluster
Marigaux R.S. Symphonie - metal lined socket
Marigaux R.S. Symphonie - metal sleeved tenon
Marigaux R.S. Symphonie - trill keys
Marigaux R.S. Symphonie - trill keys
Marigaux R.S. Symphonie - trill keys
Marigaux R.S. Symphonie - register key
Marigaux R.S. Symphonie - thumb rest
Marigaux R.S. Symphonie - register key
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